Answers to the most frequent questions
Courage is not the absence of fear,
But taking action in spite of it.
  • Can anyone participate in Every 68 Seconds Project? Is it OK if I have a drink before hand to take the edge off?
    Anyone over the age of 18 who is able to give consent is welcome to participate in the Every 68 Seconds Project.

    We understand that some people are a little nervous before their session, but we ask that you refrain from drinking alcohol or consuming anything that might affect your ability to freely give consent. If you want to celebrate after your portrait, we'll be happy to pop a bottle of champagne with you!
  • What should I wear? I'm nervous about being topless.
    We generally suggest that you wear dark (black/navy), comfortable pants or shorts with comfortable shoes or sandals. Wear a simple hair & makeup style that you are comfortable with. We want the focus to be on you and the writing you've chosen.

    Most participants choose "implied topless" for their survivor portrait. (Implied means that your nipples are covered.) We feel this not only catches the viewers attention, but is one more way for you to be empowered and exercise control over your own body. You are demonstrating that you choose -- no one else -- what you share of yourself and with whom. You are unique and beautiful! We want you to be defiantly proud of who you are. We also feel there is an added group cohesiveness when the portraits are exhibited collectively.

    Having said that, we have some participants completely topless and others who choose to keep a bra or t-shirt. Ultimately, your dignity and comfort are paramount, and we will support whatever you decide is right for you. We're happy to discuss any concerns you might have.
  • OK, but I'm a little nervous. Can I bring a friend with me?
    Absolutely! We get it. Bravery isn't about being fearless... It's recognizing your fears and still doing the work. You are welcome to bring one support person with you to your portrait session. Your support buddy must be an adult
  • What if I change my mind?
    The most important thing to us about your participation is that you are comfortable with your decision. If you later decide that you want to withdraw your consent, you may do so by notifying us at hello@every68secondsproject.org. Obviously, there are limits to what we can do after something has been published, but we will take all reasonable measures to remove or prevent your images from being shared further. You don't have to feel as if you've given up your control.
  • How long does it take? Where are they taken?
    We typically allow 30 minutes for each survivor portrait session. Most of the time is spent completing the consent, verifying your ID, and doing the body writing. The actual photography generally takes less than 5 minutes.

    Portraits can be done almost anywhere that provides adequate privacy. Sometimes, we rent a studio when we are photographing multiple participants on the same day just for convenience. The majority of survivor portraits are done at a location that we agree upon after discussing your session.
  • What if I still have questions that aren't answered here?
    We welcome a frank and honest conversation about any concerns or questions you might still have. There is nothing more important to us than you being well informed and completely comfortable with your decision to participate. We invite you to begin the conversation by emailing us at hello@every68secondsproject.org.